Dissertatie (2021-2025)

Drs. G.H.M.M. Beumer (Mark)

Vanaf 2021 werk ik als promovendus aan Charles University aan een dissertatie met als werktitel From Asklepios to Kosmas? Ritual Change and Continuity within Christian Transformation of Temple Sleep in Late Antiquity. Ik kijk in dit onderzoek naar hoe vanuit rituele dynamiek de christelijke transformatie van tempelslaap in de Late Oudheid heeft plaatsgevonden. Ik gebruik hiervoor het rituele model van Roy Rappaport over verandering en continuïteit. Uiteindelijk moet het onderzoek resulteren in een proefschrift, bestaande uit de volgende hoofdstukken (dit kan nog veranderen).

Tempelslaap is een antiek genezingsritueel, waarbij zieken Asklepieia of andere tempels bezoeken om door goden als Asklepios en Sarapis van hun aandoeningen te worden genezen. Vaak hebben zij eerst artsen bezocht, maar konden zij hen niet helpen. Eenmaal in de tempel dienen zij enkele voorbereidende riten uit te voeren, als wassen, vasten en offeren, waarbij men niet in de tempel mag baren of sterven. Ook seksuele onthouding was verplicht. Nadat men deze riten had voltooid, werd men tegen de avond meegenomen naar het binnenste van de tempel, het abaton wat een verboden ruimte was. Hier ging men op een bed (klinê) liggen en moesten zij slapen. Tijdens de droom verscheen de godheid die hen direct genas via operatie, aanraking of recept. Nadat de patiënt wakker werd en zijn verhaal over zijn genezing vertelde, volgde vaak een dankoffer in de vorm van een votiefreliëf met daarbij een banket. Soms schijnen geestbedwelmende middelen te zijn toegediend. De antieke Hippokratische-Galenische geneeskunde vormde de basis voor dit ritueel. Dit onderzoek combineert Ritual Studies, geneeskunde, farmacie, anatomie en fysiologie, somatologie, laatantieke geschiedenis en religie met elkaar.

1. Inleiding: opzet en inzet vraagstelling context project.
2. Verandering en continuïteit volgens Roy Rappaport met aanpassing door Paul Cassell.
3. Beschrijving van het debat over de christelijke transformatie van tempelslaap in de Late Oudheid.
4. Toepassing van het Rappaport/Cassell model en duiding.
5. Conclusies en aanbevelingen.

Relevantie achtergrond
- Promovendus Universiteit Leiden (2008-2009)
Promotor: prof. dr. H.FJ. Horstmannshoff (antieke geneeskunde)
- Promovendus Radboud Universiteit (2009-2013)
Promotoren: prof. dr. E.M. Moormann (Radboud Universiteit, klassieke archeologie) en prof. dr. H.F.J. Horstmanshoff (Leiden Universiteit, antieke geneeskunde)
- Promovendus Tilburg University (2018-2020)
Promotoren: prof. dr. P.G.J. Post (Ritual Studies) en dr. M.J.M. Hoondert (Ritual Studies)

Master Oudheid (2007-2008) Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
- Problemen en debatten Oudheid - Vroege christendom in het Romeinse Rijk
- Historiografie van Oudheid tot heden
- Masterscriptie 'Hygieia: godin of personificatie? Een verkenning door antieke bronnen en moderne literatuur´

MBO Apothekersassistent (1998-2002) ROC Nijmegen
- Gezondheidskunde
- Anatomie en fysiologie
- Geneesmiddelenkennis

Relevante werkervaring
- Redactielid en redactiecoördinator Cahiers Geschiedenis van de Geneeskunde en Gezondheidszorg, Antwerpen (2019-2022)
- Vicevoorzitter/secretaris Medisch-historische Club D. de Moulin, Nijmegen (2018-heden) 

19 juni 2018 (3e uur) Radio-interview Omroep Gelderland vanaf 19:58 uur.
29-31 oktober 2018 Lecture ‘Temple Sleep: A Close Encounter of Ritual Dynamics? A Short Historiographic Exploration’, bij congres 'Interpreting Rituals: Historiographical Perspectives and Pluralistic Contexts'. (Universiteit Leiden)
8 januari 2019 Lecture ‘Temple Sleep: A Close Encounter of Ritual Dynamics? A Short Historiographic Exploration’, bij - ACRH Seminar 'Religious Polemics and Ritual Dynamics in Hellenistic Times and Late Antiquity: four PhD projects' (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) op uitnodiging van prof. dr. Hagit Amirav, Professor of Patristics and Late Antiquity.
3 december 2019 Lezing Mark Beumer "Van Hygieia tot Thekla. Tempelslaap in de Late Oudheid en Vroege Middeleeuwen"- Medisch-Historische Club D. de Moulin (Nijmegen). Aanmelden kan via deze link.
27 oktober 2020 Webinar Pandemics and Plagues in Antiquity Webinar - 'History, Biology, and the Antonine Plague' by Prof. dr. Kyle Harper - Professor of Classics and Letters and Provost Emeritus at The University of Oklahoma.
5 november 2020 Webinar Pandemics and Plagues in Antiquity Webinar - 'The Economic Impact of the Antonine Plague' by Prof. dr. Andre Wilson - Professor of the Archaeology of the Roman Empire in the Faculty of Classics and a Fellow of All Souls College at the University of Oxford.
17 november 2020 Webinar Pandemics and Plagues in Antiquity Webinar - 'Palaeogenetic Insights into the First Plague Pandemic (541-750)' by Dr. Marcel Keller - Research Assistant at the Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu, Estonia.
19 november 2020 Digitaal Jaarcongres KNHG "Meer dan Menselijk Verleden: Historici, Eco-geschiedenis en Environmental Humanities". 
Meer dan Menselijk Verleden: Historici, Eco-geschiedenis en Environmental Humanities
Keynote 1: We have never been vulnerable. Inequality as common ground between COVID-19 and flood disasters – Prof dr. Tim Soens, hoogleraar middeleeuwse en milieugeschiedenis (Universiteit Antwerpen).
Keynote 2: Sinking stories. The imagination of lowlands in the Anthropocene – Dr. Katie Ritson, Rachel Carson Center, München.
Panel 1 – Klimaat en Conflict: wat geschiedenis ons leert met prof. dr. Dagomar Degroot (Georgetown University) en Dr. Jeroen Oomen (Universiteit Utrecht)
Panel 5 – Wat kunnen historici leren van Environmental Humanities en andersom? mer prof. dr. Petra van Dam, Professor for History of Water- and Environmental History (Vrije Universiteit), prof. dr. Inger Leemans, Professor of Cultural History (Vrije Universiteit) en Dr. Jeroen Oomen, postdoctoral researcher at the Urban Futures Studio Utrecht.
7 december 2020 Lecture Dr. Philip Kiernan (Kennesaw State University) 'The Gods At Home: Cult Images In Context In The Roman Empire'. Please view the recorded lecture for to be discussed.
10 december 2020 Lecture Dr. Milena Melfi (Faculty of Classics & New College, University of Oxford) , 'Asklepios and Asklepieia: reconstructing the history of a Greek healing cult'. Organized by Charles University, Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University.
25-26 januari 2021 (Conferentie) Climate Adaption Summit, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
24 maart 2021 Congres Climate and the Roman, Late Antique and Byzantine Worlds - Oxford Center for Byzantine Research.
Session 1
- Introduction and Opening Comments – Professor Peter Frankopan, University of Oxford
- Professor John Haldon, Princeton University - "Climate, environment and society: notes on correlation and causation"
- Professor Andrew Wilson, University of Oxford - "Ice-core data and charting economic cycles in the Mediterranean from antiquity to the Middle Ages"
- Dr. Elena Xoplaki, University of Giessen - "Regional palaeoclimate in the Eastern Mediterranean - Middle East and the Nile basin"
 Session 2
- Dr. Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, Austrian Academy of Sciences - "The Byzantine Anthropocene, the Great Divergence and Global History"
-Professor Sabine Huebner, University of Basel - "The Roman Egypt Lab: Climate Change, Societal Transformations, and the Transition to Late Antiquity".
- Dr. Victoria Smith, School of Archaeology, University of Oxford - "Assessing the timing and impact of large volcanic eruptions".
2 juni 2021 PhD-presentation 'From Asklepios to Kosmas? Ritual Dynamics of Temple Slee in Late Antiquity' at Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine. DOI 10.13140/RG.2.2.21922.35525
8 juni 2021 Lecture Jessica Hughes (Open University): 'The Anatomy of Ritual: Votive Body Parts in Greco-Roman Antiquity and Beyond'.
23-25 juni 2021 Congres 'Apotropaia and Phylakteria' bij: Swedish Institute Athens.
29 september - 2 oktober 2021 Introductieprogramma First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Prague. Ik heb hiervoor subsidie van Stichting Historia Medicinae mogen ontvangen.
8 december 2021 Webinar Dr. Brandon T. McDonald, 'Climate Change, Ecological Transitions and the First Plague Pandemic in the Sixth Century AD', at Cgarles University Prague.
9 december 2021 Lezing Mark Beumer 'Slapen voor gezondheid bij de oude Grieken', bij: symposium "Slaap" ter ere van het 75-jarige bestaan van het Academisch Genootschap te Eindhoven. Forthcoming
4 november 2021 Webinar Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, "The Silk Roads as a Model for Exploring Eurasian Transmissions of Medical Knowledge".
5-6 januari 2022 Examen Engels First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Prague. Ik heb hiervoor subsidie van Stichting Historia Medicinae mogen ontvangen.
8 maart 2022 “The Residue of Eden: Myth and Medicine in Early Christian Anointing Practices”, lecture by Dr. John Penniman (Bucknell University), Byzantine Dialogues from the Gennadius Library, American School of Classical Studies at Athens and Zoom, March 8, 2022, 7:00 pm (Greece) / 12:00 pm (ET).
8 maart 2022 RoMeO-lezing: ‘Brood en Spelen’! De Flavische keizers en het volk van Rome – prof. dr. Daniëlle Slootjes, Universiteit van Amsterdam/Rijkmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden. 20-21 uur. 
9 maart 2022 Dr. Tomáš Alušík, “Paleopathology: An Introduction”. Organized by Society for Ancient Medicine and Pharmacology. 11am Pacific / 2pm Eastern / 8pm Central European 1.
14 maart 2022 YLARG in conversation with Mary K. Farag's book "What Makes a Church Sacred? Legal and Ritual Perspectives from Late Antiquity", Yale University.
15 maart 2022 Prof. dr. Lucinda Dirven, ‘Religious lives in the Arsacid Empire. Unity in Diversity’, CRASIS (Groningen institute for Interdisciplinary Studies in Culture, Religion and Society of the Ancient World) and Radboud University Nijmegen, 16.15-17.30 hrs. 
16 maart 2022 Lecture Dr. Claire Burridge, 'Crossroads: The Evolution of Early Medieval Medicine in Global and Local Contexts' At the History of Science, Medicine and Technology seminar, University of Edinburgh, 1-2pm (GMT).
25 maart 2022 16th INTERNATIONAL ANAMED ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM. In collaboration with the Koç University Medical and Health Humanities Initiative: "Places of Illness, Spaces of Healing. The Built Environment of Healthcare in Anatolia through the Ages".
Specific the following lectures:
  • Ulrich Mani (German Archaeological Institute Istanbul): "A Way to the Gods. On the Relationship Between Pergamon and Its Asclepios Sanctuary".
  • Inge Uytterhoeve (Koç Üniversitesi): "A Healthy Home. The Urban Elite House as a Place of Well-Being in Roman and Late Antique Asia Minor and the Eastern Mediterranean".
  • Patricia Baker (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University): "The Healing Power of Sounds in Greco-Roman Healing Sanctuaries".
19 april 2022 Dr. Sylvain Lebreton (Jean Jaurès University, Toulouse), The Athens Greek Religion Seminar: “Ancient Greek Polytheism and Divine Epithets: The Case of Zeus in Attica”, Swedish Institute at Athens.
20 april 2022 Dr. Vladimir Ivanovici (Universität Wien | Università della Svizzera Italiana) and Dr. Elisabetta Neri (Université de Liège), “Heaven is a Place on Earth: the significance of glass from the material to the imaginary”. Second webinar of the series | Through the ‘Dome of Heaven’. Glass Mosaic and Late Antique Ceilings. Data: 20 aprile 2022 dalle 15:00 alle 17:00.
12-14 mei 2022 Fourth Colloquia Ceranea International Conference, University of Lodz, Poland. Specific the following lectures:
  • Prof. dr. Alain Touwaide (Smithsonian Institution, UCLA): "Lost in Scholarship. Byzantine Medicine". (12 mei)
  • Martina Biamino: "Monasteries and Pilgrimage in Procopius of Caesarea’s De Aedificiis V" (12 mei)
  • Giulia Gollo (Universiteit Leuven):  Food as Medicament in Byzantine Incubation Literature’s Healing Dreams. The Case of MS Lond. Add. 37534" (13 mei)
16 mei 2022 Lecture Dr. Linda Fibiger (University of Edinburgh), “Exploring violent practice in prehistory: Bioarchaeological and experimental approaches”. (16 May 2022, 17:00-18:00 hrs)
19 mei 2022 Examen Somatology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University Prague. Ik heb hiervoor subsidie van Stichting Historia Medicinae mogen ontvangen.
24 mei 2022 Research Seminar by Dr. Lidewijde de Jong (University of Groningen), entitled "Bringing Back the Roman Dead: presenting a new project on mortuary rituals in the Roman Near East", on Tuesday 24th May at 16.00.
7 juni 2022 Prof. dr. Judith Herrin, ‘Rethinking Late Antiquity as Early Christendom’ at SPBS Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, 19:00 hrs.
4-7 juli 2022 Mark Beumer, ‘Christian Incubation and Cognitive Science of Religion: Possibilities and Problems’, within the session: ‘Patristics and Cognitive Sciences: Moving the Borders of Research’ at International Medieval Congress "Borders", University of Leeds (4-7 July 2022).
16 september 2022 Congres History, Health & Healing, “Policing pandemics”.
First session, chaired by Frank Huisman (in English).

13.30-14.00: talk by Roel Coutinho, former Director of the Centre for Infectious Disease Control of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM): “About Q-Fever, Smallpox and Influenza: Lessons Learned from the Past”.

14.00-15.15: first Daniël de Moulin lecture (online) by Alex de Waal, director of the World Peace Foundation and author of New pandemics, old politics: “New Pandemics, Old Politics: Two Hundred Years of War on Disease and its Alternatives”.


Scientists and physicians have learned more about the virology and treatment of Covid in two and a half years than about any other pathogen in history. There has not been comparable progress in the sociology and political science of pandemic disease. In this lecture I explore what social scientific progress might entail. This begins with retrieving the concept of ‘pandemy’, the long-lost sociological sibling of the epidemiological and virological concept ‘pandemic’, to refer to the entire societal experience of pandemic disease. In parallel with the way in which the scientific working definition ‘pandemic’ has shifted from a concern with scale to a focus on the novelty of the pathogen concerned, I argue that ‘pandemy’ should also be framed by the novel manner of societal disruption: it is an off-model event, involving intrinsic uncertainties.

15.15-15.30: announcement of the Stichting Historia Medicinae thesis prize winner.

15.30-16.00: break.

Second session, chaired by Hieke Huistra (in Dutch).

16.00-17.00/17.15: pitches and round table by:

– Anja Schreijer, Director of Medical Affairs at the Pandemic & Disaster Preparedness Centre: “Geleerde lessen Covid-19: tijd voor vernieuwing!”.

– Robert Vonk, senior advisor at the Council for Public Health and Society and medical historian: “Historische kennis leidt niet tot beter beleid”.

– Rina Knoeff, medical historian and Director of the Groningen Centre for Health and Humanities: “Beleid zonder historische kennis is blind”.

21-24 september 2022 Lezing Mark Beumer, 'Temple Sleep. A Dynamic Ritual in Late Antiquity', bij - Congres Healing Places in the Ancient and Medieval World (Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague) op uitnodiging van dr. Tomáš Alušík. Forthcoming. Ik heb hiervoor subsidie van Stichting Historia Medicinae en het Sormanifonds mogen ontvangen.

8 december 2022 Lecture Dr. Giacomo Savani, 'A misleading source: The fortuna of a sixteenth-century woodcut and its impact on the history of Roman baths studies' (University of St. Andrews) (Webinar).

8 maart 2023 (Lecture) Encounters in the Classical Mediterranean World
Prof. dr. Carlos F. Noreña, 'Romanization 3.0: Power, Infrastructure, and Scale'. This lecture argues that "Romanization" is still the best analytical concept to understand cultural change in the Roman Mediterranean. Highlighting the "scaling up" in various domains that empire triggered throughout the Mediterranean basin, it proposes that we should understand "Romanization" not in narrowly cultural terms (much less normative ones), but rather as the particular convergence of a set of cultural forms, the infrastructural power of the Roman state, and the replication of both at unprecedented scale. The very different path of cultural integration in the Qin and Han empires of early China will help to draw out the peculiar relationship between culture and power in the Roman world.

Carlos Noreña is a Professor of History, and Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology, at the University of California, Berkeley. His research focuses on the political and cultural history of the Roman empire; the historical geography of the Roman empire, especially in the west; and comparative empires. He is the author of Imperial Ideals in the Roman West (Cambridge, 2011) and editor, most recently, of A Cultural History of Western Empires: Antiquity (Bloomsbury, 2018). Current projects include a monograph on law and imperialism in the Roman Republic and an edited volume on the Atlantic façade of the Roman empire.

Prof. dr. Nicholas Purcell, 'Romans in Residence -- and the Mediterranean Which Resulted'. Outsider communities dotted the ancient Mediterranean world. They played a key role in shaping the consistencies of inter-community relations, and of the Mediterranean as a whole. From the second century BCE to the third CE, some of the most visible are labelled in Greek and Latin ‘Resident Romans’, and also often ‘people who do business’. We know some of their activities: since unusually, these inscriptions drew attention to the world of economic exchange (and even sometimes specifically to trade in unfree people). During the period such communities are attested, the Mediterranean became more and more firmly subordinated to Roman political, social and economic power. This ‘Roman diaspora’ is naturally of considerable interest for studying textures of interaction within that hegemony. Long neglected, it is now receiving more, and productive, attention. Here I want to ask about how claims of identity relating, like this, to the ruling power, affected the map of community-memberships across the Mediterranean world. Diasporic Mediterranean communities of other periods, some hegemonic (Genoese or Venetian), some not (Syrian or Jewish) offer parallels (and contrasts).

Nicholas Purcell is the Camden Professor of Ancient History at Oxford, and works on ancient social, economic and cultural history. He has been interested throughout his career in how to write Mediterranean history in ways which pull together evidence from different periods, from prehistory to modernity, but especially the ancient and medieval Mediterraneans. That is the theme of his monograph of 2000, The Corrupting Sea: a study of Mediterranean History, written with the medievalist Peregrine Horden.

21 april 2023 BrIAS Workshop Agriculture, Climate, and Society in Italy 2000 BCE–1000 CE, 10.30–16.30 CET

10 mei 2023 Figen Geerts, 'Journeys of Healing: tracing the spread of Asklepios’ cult in Late-Classical and Hellenistic Greece' (Oxford Ancient Medicine Seminar).

3-6 juli 2023 International Medieval Congress, Leeds University
Session Number: 528 , Cultures of Healing in Late Antiquity and the (Mostly) Early Middle Ages, I: Places and Spaces of Healing
Date/Time: Tuesday 04 July 2023, 09.00-10.30 Format: In Person Session

Session Abstract: Central to this first session in the series is the question how place and space were fundamental to certain types of healing, and how long traditions, extending to pre-Christian time, shaped beliefs in such practices. No (early) medieval Christian would, for instance, expect incubation (healing sleep) to work anywhere but in a church or sanctuary, while ecclesiastical spaces were expected to provide not only physical, but also spiritual healing. Such places and spaces were, also in the later Middle Ages, parts of a Christian topography of healing which formed the framework for people actively seeking healing of any kind. Sponsor: ReMeDHe - Working Group for Religion, Medicine, Disability, Health & Healing in Late Antiquity / Beyond Beccaria Project

Session Organiser: Carine van Rhijn, Departement Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis, Universiteit Utrecht & Claire Burridge Department of History, University of Sheffield

Moderator: Peregrine Horden, All Souls College, University of Oxford / Department of History, Royal Holloway, University of London

Paper -a Title: From Asklepieion to Kosmidion: Healing Networks in Late Antiquity Language: English Speaker(s): Mark Beumer, , Faculty of Medicine, Univerzita Karlova, Praha - Sites; Byzantine Studies; Daily Life; Medicine Paper Format & Equipment Requests:

Paper -b Title: Imagined Healing Spaces in Byzantine Monastic Literature: Between Metaphor and Medicine Language: English Speaker(s): Jonathan Zecher, Institute for Religion & Critical Inquiry, Australian Catholic University, Victoria, Index Terms: Archaeology - Sites; Byzantine Studies; Medicine; Monasticism Paper Format & Equipment Requests:

Paper -c Title: Health and Risk in Late Medieval Vernacular Miracles Language: English Speaker(s): Janna Coomans, Onderzoekinstituut voor Geschiedenis en Kunstgeschiedenis, Universiteit Utrecht, Index Terms: Daily Life; Hagiography; Language and Literature - Dutch; Medicine Paper Format & Equipment Requests:

This is session 1 of 1. If you are involved in more than one session at IMC 2023, each session will arrive in a separate email. All sessions should be received by 17:00, Saturday 3 December. If you have not received confirmation of a session which you are involved in by this time, please check your spam / junk mail folders first before emailing us.

8 september 2023 Congres ter ere van het afscheid van prof. dr. Frank Huisman, getiteld Het verleden informeert de toekomst: hoe kunnen we een volgende gezondheidscrisis voorkomen?

Dagvoorzitter: Mr. dr. Roland Bertens 
(Van Benthem&Keulen / UMC Utrecht)

Aanvang congres
13:30 uur

Prof. dr. Seye Abimbola (University of Sydney)
‘Thinking Globally About Health: What’s Next?’

Prof. dr. Rina Knoeff (Universiteit Groningen) 
‘De rokende mestvaalt. Lichaam en omgevingsfactoren in vroegmoderne koortsen’

Dr. Floor Haalboom (ErasmusMC/Universiteit Utrecht) 
‘Gezondheid en economie in het Antropoceen’

Prof. dr. Henk te Velde (Universiteit Leiden) 
‘Over het politieke gebrek aan tijd’

Dr. Anja Schreijer (Pandemic Preparedness Center)
Reflectie op het voorgaande

Uitreiking G.A. Lindeboomprijs

Afscheidsrede Frank Huisman
‘Van Thorbecke tot zorginfarct: een pleidooi voor health literacy en burgerschap’

Korte toespraken door Prof. dr. Kaat Wils (KU Leuven) en Prof. dr. Arno Hoes (UMC Utrecht)

17 oktober 2023 Online lecture dr. Ruben Post (School of Classics, St Andrews University), 'Astrometeorological Parapegmata and Medical Practice in the Hellenistic World' - invited by Doc. PhDr. Tomáš Alušík, Ph.D. 
19 oktober 2023 online lecture dr. Luigi Lafasciano, 'The Archaeology of ritual dreaming in the Greco-Roman World. Lines of inquiry  sources, interpretations' at Irisch Institute of Hellenistic Studies at Athen.
24 november 2023 PhD-defense Maarten van Deventer, De kracht van herinnering op het Forum Romanum en de Palatijn, Romeinen en hun stadslandschap tussen 410 en 751 na Christus, Radboud University Nijmegen.
18-23 februari 2024 Visiting Scholar University of Oxford (PhD, library research)

Libraries and museums
- Bodleian Old Library
- The Divinity School, Oxford 
- Sackler Library (Art, Archaeology and Ancient World Library)
- History of Medicine Library 
- The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology
- Museum of History of Sciences
- Oxford Museum of Natural History - Oxford University
- Pitt Rivers Museum
- Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research
- Oxford Centre for Late Antiquity
- Oxford Centre for History of Science, Medicine and Technology

Private lectures
Prof. dr. Peter Stewart - Director, Classical Art Research Centre & Professor of Ancient Art
- Prof. dr. Jaś Elsner - Professor of Late Antique Art in the Faculty of Classics
- Prof. dr. Bryan Ward-Perkins - Tutor in Late Antique and Medieval History Trinity College
- Dr. Milena Melfi - Lecturer of Classical Archaeology, Assistant Curator of casts of Greek & Roman sculptures, Ashmolean Museum and Lecturer of Classical Archaeology, New College, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies and Cast Gallery Ashmolean Museum
- Prof. dr. Robert Arnott, Professor of the History and Archaeology of Medicine, Director of the Centre for the History of Medicine, Sub-Dean of the School of Medicine and Public Orator of the University of Birmingham. I will give a presentation within the Ancient Medicine Seminar, organised by prof. Arnott.
- Lecture by dr. David Butterfield, Senior Lecturer in Classics (Ancient Literature), Fellow and Director of Studies in Classics, Queens' College (University of Cambridge): 'What Made the Classics Classic?' (20 February 2024)

26 februari 2024 'What Dreams Are Made Of' | Lecture and conversation by neuroscientist Sarah Schoch and philosopher Herman Westerink (LUX Nijmegen)

Mark Beumer (Review) Colin Elliot, Pox Romana. The Plague That Shook the Roman World (Princeton University Press 2024) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 19. (2024)
Mark Beumer (Review) Blanka Misic and Abigail Graham (eds.), Senses, Cognition, and Ritual Experience in the Roman World (Cambridge University Press 2024) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 19. (2024)
Mark Beumer (Review) Christopher D. Stanley, Paul and Asklepios. The Greco-Roman Quest for Healing, and the Apostolic Mission (T&T CLARK 2023) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 19. (2024)
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Jonathan Kennedy, Pathogenesis. How Germs Made History (Transworld Publishers) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 18. (2023)
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Ruben Verwaal, Bloed, zweet en tranen. Een geschiedenis van de vloeibare mens (Thomas Rap 2023) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 18. (2023).
Mark Beumer Mark Beumer (Recensie) Jiří Kuthan and Jan Royt, Charles IV. Emperor and King of Bohemia – Visionary and Founder (NLN/Charles University 2018) in: Kleio-Historia, nr, 17. (2023).
Mark Beumer (Recensie) William H. McNeill, Mens zijn. Een parasitaire wereldgeschiedenis (Mazirel Pers 2023) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 17. (2023)
Mark Beumer (Review) Olympia Panagiotidou, Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples. A Neurocognitive Approach (Equinox 2022) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 17. (2023)
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Olympia Panagiotidou, Healing, Disease and Placebo in Graeco-Roman Asclepius Temples. A Neurocognitive Approach (Equinox 2022) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 17. (2023)
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Pierre Monnet, Karl IV. Der Europäische Kaiser (wbg Theiss 2021) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 16. (2022)
Mark Beumer (Column) ‘Divine healing’, at: History, Health & Healing. The Dutch academic network for medical history (August/September 2022)
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Tim Huisman, Ad Maas, Christel Collaardt, Denkers, Doeners en Durfals. Vijf eeuwen onderzoek en innovatie in Nederland (WBOOKS 2022) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 16. (2022)
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Luit van der Tuuk, Indiculus. Heidense en bijgelovige rituelen uit de vroege middeleeuwen (Omniboek 2022) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 16. (2022)
Mark Beumer (Review Article) Water at ancient Greek sanctuaries: medium of divine presence or commodity for mortal visitors? in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 15. (2022)
Mark Beumer (Review) Jan N. Bremmer, Greek Religion. Second Edition (Cambridge University Press 2021) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 15. (2022)
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Kevin Lygo, Keizers van Constantinopel (Uitgeverij Omniboek 2022) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 15. (2022)
Mark Beumer (Review) Philip Esler, The Early Christian World. Second Edition (Routledge 2017) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 15. (2022).
Mark Beumer (Review) Lowell Edmunds, Greek Myth (De Gruyter 2021) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 15. (2022)
Mark Beumer (Review) Jörg Rüpke and Greg Woolf (Eds.), Religion in the Roman Empire (Verlag W. Kohlhammer 2021) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 15. (2022)
Mark Beumer (Review) Ian Peate and Suzanne Evans (eds.), Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology. For Nursing and Healthcare Students. Third Edition (John Wiley & Sons Ltd 2020) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 15. (2022)
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Daniël de Waele, Ontluikend christendom. Cultuurgeschiedenis van een nieuwe religie in de Grieks-Romeinse wereld (KokBoekencentrum Uitgevers, 2e -druk 2022) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 15. (2022)
Mark Beumer (Review) Wolfgang Häfele, Krankheit und ihre Behandlung. Studien zu Sophronios von Jerusalems Wundern der Heiligen Kyros und Johannes (Mohr Siebeck 2020) in: Kleio-Historia. nr. 15. (2022)
Mark Beumer, 'A Woman’s Touch. Hygieia, Health and Incubation', in: Journal of History of Science and Technology, Volume 16 (2021) (in progress) peer reviewed
Mark Beumer (Review) Vivian Nutton, Galen. A Thinking Doctor in Imperial Rome (Routledge 2020) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 13. (2021)
Mark Beumer (Review) Robert Wiśniewski, Christian Divination in Late Antiquity (Amsterdam University Press 2020) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 13. (2021).
Mark Beumer, 'The Foundation of Anthropology to Ritual Studies', in: Journal of Ritual Studies 34.2 (2020) 20-30. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199340378.013.21. peer reviewed
Mark Beumer (internetartikel) 'Rituelen doen ertoe, juist in tijden van epidemieën' (29 juni 2020, Tilburg University).
Mark Beumer (Review) Florian Steger, Asclepius. Medicine and Cult (Franz Steiner Verlag 2018) in: Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen. Unter Aufsicht der Akademie der Wissenschaften, 272 • Jahrgang • Heft 3/4 (2020) 174-177.
Mark Beumer, (Lezing) 'Van Hygieia tot Thekla. Tempelslaap in de Late Oudheid en Vroege Middeleeuwen', bij Medisch-historische Club Daniël de Moulin. (3 december 2019) 
Mark Beumer, 'De tempelslaap', in: Geschiedenis Magazine, jaargang 53, nr. 6. (2018) 25-27.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Ghislaine van der Ploeg, The Impact of the Roman Empire on the Cult of Asclepius (Brill 2018) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 9. (2019) 60-65.
Mark Beumer, 'Christelijke liefdadigheid als instrument voor bekering van heidenen? Philantropia en Caritas in sociaaleconomisch perspectief vergeleken', in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 8. (2018) 8-11.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Inger Kuin, Leven met de goden. Religie in de oudheid (Amsterdam University Press 2018) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 8. (2018) 68-71.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Jörg Rüpke, Pantheon. A New History of Roman Religion (Princeton University Press 2018) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 8. (2018) 72-74.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Risto Uro, Ritual and Christian Beginnings. A Socio-Cognitive Analysis (Oxford University Press 2016) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 8. (2018) 92-93.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) H.C. Teitler, The Last Pagan Emperor. Julian the Apostate and the War against Christianity (Oxford University Press 2017) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 8. (2018) 94.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Ian Rutherford, Greco-Egyptian Interactions. Literature, Translation, and Culture 500 BCE – 300 CE (Oxford University Press 2016) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 8. (2018) 98.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Anna Marmodora & Irini-Fotini Viltanioti, Divine Powers in Late Antiquity (Oxford University Press 2017) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 8. (2018) 99.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Michael Lapidge, The Roman Martyrs. Introduction, Translations, and Commentary (Oxford University Press 2018) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 8. (2018) 100.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Theodore de Bruyn, Making Amulets Christian. Artefacts, Scribes, and Contexts (Oxford University Press 2017) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 8. (2018) 101-102.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Gil Renberg, Where Dreams May Come (2 vol. set). Incubation Sanctuaries in the Greco-Roman World (Brill 2017) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 7. (2018) 41-44.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Jacob Slavenburg, Het verguisde christendom. Oorsprong en teloorgang van de vroegste ‘kerk’ (WalburgPers 2016) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 7. (2018) 47.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Jacob Slavenburg, Een reis langs de mysteriën. Van het Oude Egypte tot Carl Gustav Jung (WalburgPers 2017) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 7. (2018) 48.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Lukas de Blois & Bert van der Spek, Een kennismaking met de oude wereld (Coutinho, 7e druk 2017) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 7. (2018) 49.
Mark Beumer (Recensie) Hedvig von Ehrenheim, Greek incubation rituals in Classical and Hellenistic times (Press Universitaires de Liège 2015) in: Kleio-Historia, nr. 7. (2018) 54-57.

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